Simpler FFI in Owl Lisp

This article explains in detail how to use owl-libffi.

owl-libffi is a simple, lightweight libffi abstraction layer. It allows for opening shared libraries and calling foreign functions in a lispy style.

The steps for calling a foreign function are as follows:

Basic values

Simple, right? Let's see how one can accomplish that from zero to lots of syntax sugar. The following 2 examples will:

 (owl toplevel)

(λ (_)
  (let* ((open-library "")
         (malloc-proto (prep-cif (list int32) pointer))
         (strcpy-proto (prep-cif (list pointer pointer) pointer))
         (write-proto  (prep-cif (list int32 pointer uint32) uint32))
         (free-proto   (prep-cif (list pointer) void))
         (malloc-sym   (dlsym lib "malloc"))
         (strcpy-sym   (dlsym lib "strcpy"))
         (write-sym    (dlsym lib "write"))
         (free-sym     (dlsym lib "free")))
    (let ((memptr (call malloc-proto malloc-sym '(32)))
          (str "Hello, World!\n"))
      (call strcpy-proto strcpy-sym (list memptr str))
      (let ((bytes-written (call write-proto write-sym (list stdout memptr (string-length str)))))
        (print "write(2) wrote " bytes-written " bytes to stdout"))
      (call free-proto free-sym (list memptr))))
$ ol -x c -o test.c test.scm
$ cc -I/tmp/owl/c -DPRIM_FP_API -DPRIM_CUSTOM test.c ffi.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs libffi` -ldl -o test
$ ./test
Hello, World!
write(2) wrote 14 bytes to stdout

Hmmm, this works, but it's not very pleasant to write. How about sprinkling some pre-defined macros on top?

 (owl toplevel)

(λ (_)
  (lets ((malloc strcpy write free
          (funcs (open-library "")
            ("malloc" pointer int32)
            ;; symbol ret-val arg1 ... argN
            ("strcpy" pointer pointer pointer)
            ("write"  int32 int32 pointer uint32)
            ("free"   void pointer))))
    (let ((memptr (malloc 32))
          (str "Hello, World!\n"))
      (strcpy memptr str)
      (let ((bytes-written (write stdout str (string-length str))))
        (print "write(2) wrote " bytes-written " bytes"))
      (free memptr)))

After compiling it in the same way, it yields the same result, but look how much nicer it is to write and use! Notice how we're not call-ing the functions in a special way - they're already wrapped in lisp lambdas for us, so we can use them like normal functions.

Using some sophisticated owl magic, we can also inspect that the Hello, World! string is - in fact - stored at address memptr.

 (owl toplevel)
 (prefix (owl sys) sys/))

(define (u8ptr->number bvec)
  (fold (λ (a b) (bior (<< a 8) b)) 0 (reverse (bytevector->list bvec))))
                                    ;; ^^^^^^^ are you lsb or msb

(λ (_)
  (lets ((malloc strcpy free
          (funcs (open-library "")
            ("malloc" pointer int32)
            ("strcpy" pointer pointer pointer)
            ("free"   void pointer))))
    (let ((memptr (malloc 32))
          (str "Hello, World!\n"))
      (strcpy memptr str)
      (format stdout "memptr: bvec=~s, ptr=0x~x\n" (str* memptr) (u8ptr->number memptr))
      (format stdout "str: ~s" (sys/mem-string (u8ptr->number memptr)))
      ;;                            ^^^^^^^^^^
      ;; mem-string accepts the pointer as a number, so we need to convert it from our
      ;; bytevector representation
      (free memptr)))

After compiling and running, it yields

memptr: bvec="#u8(48 180 157 191 197 85 0 0)", ptr=0x55c5bf9db430
str: "Hello, World!\n"


To create a structure, use a defstruct macro, which returns (values Tstruct make-struct), where Tstruct is a type description that can be later used as in a function signature, and make-struct is a function that creates a struct from passed arguments.

The following code shows how this can be used.

;; struct tm {
;;   int         tm_sec;    /* Seconds          [0, 60] */
;;   int         tm_min;    /* Minutes          [0, 59] */
;;   int         tm_hour;   /* Hour             [0, 23] */
;;   int         tm_mday;   /* Day of the month [1, 31] */
;;   int         tm_mon;    /* Month            [0, 11]  (January = 0) */
;;   int         tm_year;   /* Year minus 1900 */
;;   int         tm_wday;   /* Day of the week  [0, 6]   (Sunday = 0) */
;;   int         tm_yday;   /* Day of the year  [0, 365] (Jan/01 = 0) */
;;   int         tm_isdst;  /* Daylight savings flag */
;;   long        tm_gmtoff; /* Seconds East of UTC */
;;   const char *tm_zone;   /* Timezone abbreviation */
;; };

 (owl toplevel)
 (prefix (owl sys) sys/)

(define (u8ptr->number bvec)
  (fold (λ (a b) (bior (<< a 8) b)) 0 (reverse (bytevector->list bvec))))

(λ (_)
  (lets ((Ttm make-tm (defstruct int32 int32 int32 int32 int32 int32 int32 int32 int32 int64 pointer))
         ;; see above for struct tm { ... } declaration
         (malloc strcpy free strftime
          (funcs (open-library "")
            ("malloc"   pointer int32)
            ("strcpy"   pointer pointer pointer)
            ("free"     void pointer)
            ("strftime" uint32 pointer uint32 pointer pointer))))
            ;;                                        ^^^^^^^
            ;; strftime requires a tm*, so instead of Ttm, we set the function prototype to a plain pointer
    (let ((mem (malloc 128)))
      (let-structs ((tm (make-tm 0 37 21 2 3 105 7 92 0 (* 60 60 2) "CEST")))
        ;; let-structs is a let-like macro that defers `free-struct` for every struct created
        (strftime mem 128 "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" tm))
      (print (sys/mem-string (u8ptr->number mem)))
      (free mem)))

This yields:

2005-04-02 21:37

This could - of course - also be accomplished using builtin owl libraries, but this example is meant to show how one could use structs.


This library should work on linux/unix. An MS Windows port for owl-winrt is planned.
